Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 29

well, I can proudly say I have now lost 32 pounds all together! can I get a woot?

I am now past all the junk food, I find myself eating 4-5 small meals daily now, never exceeding 1500 calories. I exercise in any way possible, if that means pilates one day and walking with my hubby least everyday I do some kind of exercise. I drink diet soda (occasionally) but usually I intake water or flavored 0 calorie 0 sugar 0 sodium water...

I now fit into my loosest size 16's but I am comfortably without a belt fitting into an 18...that's 2 dress sizes down so far! But like my grandmother warned me I think my plateau has just begun because I have been weighing in at 237 for almost an entire week now, never gaining any weight, just staying put...I will give it another week, and if I stay the same then I should expect to stay this weight for another 2-4 weeks....but strangely, this would of made me feel very discouraged in the past, but I was and am well aware that a weight loss plateau is just your body readjusting to the rapid weight loss your body was going through and it basically went into survival mode to where it thinks it's starving, so the body naturally preserves itself for a few weeks before losing lots more poundage once again...

I was also able to into an XL size sundress too, comfortably might I add, when I used to wear XXXL dresses and looked like crap in them! But my figure is slowly coming back, my face has dramatically changed, my hips, thighs, waist, arms, and tummy all have shown some results! the only thing I am majorly disappointed in is that my boobs have not sown the slightest difference! still the same ol cup size, and that's where I want to lose it the most! I will not lie, I have big boobs. BIG BOOBS!!! They are so big, they stick out like next week! and losing 32 pounds didn't yield even 1/2 cup size smaller! arrrgggg!!!! I may not see smaller boobies until I am probably down at least another 50-60 pounds! Anyway I do what I can to "minimize" the big breasted appearance...wearing granny looking bras, the ones that really squeeze them in, of course I feel way unsexy, being a newly wed of almost 2 years and wearing granny bras! My husband is a saint and he tells me that I am beautiful from head to toe, and that I should never feel shameful in front of him, but after losing 32 pounds, I still have those big boobs! oh well.... 32 pounds is better than nothing at all!

1 comment:

  1. 32 pounds?!? thats awesome. i lost about 35 pounds 3 years back and i have stayed the same weight since. i was scared it was going to come back so i didn't buy new clothes and now i am just wearing rags haha. i used to have DD's and being so short i would get asked weekly, "when is the baby due?" I just blame it on the boobs. when i lost the weight my boobs looked like deflated meat balloons. and the stretch marks turned into deep ridges. i was so happy to get into a bikini but i was embarrassed about my chest. my advice is get a shake weight to keep your arms and chest toned as you lose the weight. but don't lose too much. i weigh 105 and a size 0 in pants and i live in a city where it is 95% hispanic and guys want a curvaceous woman. not a 12 year old boy with boobs. i have been eating mexican food like crazy yet i still have no ass or hips.

    keep up the great work. never get discouraged because the weight will jump right back on. stay positive. after i lost the weight i couldn't keep my clothes on haha i spent most of the time in a bikini or skimpy work out clothes and i believe the newfound confidence and positive attitude kept the weight off. i suggest spending 30 minutes a day dancing, you really burn calories and have fun. i love to dance to maddonna and the spice girls with my hair brush in my booty shaken shorts. i would dance right now but my floor is a mess! haha. keep us posted on your progress
