Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 29

well, I can proudly say I have now lost 32 pounds all together! can I get a woot?

I am now past all the junk food, I find myself eating 4-5 small meals daily now, never exceeding 1500 calories. I exercise in any way possible, if that means pilates one day and walking with my hubby least everyday I do some kind of exercise. I drink diet soda (occasionally) but usually I intake water or flavored 0 calorie 0 sugar 0 sodium water...

I now fit into my loosest size 16's but I am comfortably without a belt fitting into an 18...that's 2 dress sizes down so far! But like my grandmother warned me I think my plateau has just begun because I have been weighing in at 237 for almost an entire week now, never gaining any weight, just staying put...I will give it another week, and if I stay the same then I should expect to stay this weight for another 2-4 weeks....but strangely, this would of made me feel very discouraged in the past, but I was and am well aware that a weight loss plateau is just your body readjusting to the rapid weight loss your body was going through and it basically went into survival mode to where it thinks it's starving, so the body naturally preserves itself for a few weeks before losing lots more poundage once again...

I was also able to into an XL size sundress too, comfortably might I add, when I used to wear XXXL dresses and looked like crap in them! But my figure is slowly coming back, my face has dramatically changed, my hips, thighs, waist, arms, and tummy all have shown some results! the only thing I am majorly disappointed in is that my boobs have not sown the slightest difference! still the same ol cup size, and that's where I want to lose it the most! I will not lie, I have big boobs. BIG BOOBS!!! They are so big, they stick out like next week! and losing 32 pounds didn't yield even 1/2 cup size smaller! arrrgggg!!!! I may not see smaller boobies until I am probably down at least another 50-60 pounds! Anyway I do what I can to "minimize" the big breasted appearance...wearing granny looking bras, the ones that really squeeze them in, of course I feel way unsexy, being a newly wed of almost 2 years and wearing granny bras! My husband is a saint and he tells me that I am beautiful from head to toe, and that I should never feel shameful in front of him, but after losing 32 pounds, I still have those big boobs! oh well.... 32 pounds is better than nothing at all!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 15

Well things are really blasting off now! As of today I am down to 252.4 lbs! yes!!!!! lost my first 15 pounds! This is great!!! I can't believe it that last month or even the beginning of this month I was just over 267 lbs! not only I met my goal of 10 lbs. for the month of march, but I exceeded that goal by and additional 5 pounds! nothing wrong with that! I have about another week left for march and I hope to lose around 4 more pounds by April 1st...I'm sure it will happen! So my new mini goal for april is to be down to 240 lbs by May 1st, that a loss of another 12 pounds from today...I bet I can exceed that goal too.
My grandma told me that sometime in my weight loss I will hit a plateau and not lose anything for maybe up to 6 weeks...she said it is very discouraging and frustrating even though you still follow your diet and exercise regiment, she says it's usually around the midpoint of your weight loss, so I expect that to happen when I hit around 210-220 lbs. But the good news of this plateau phase is that when it's over the last part of your weight will come off faster that ever before, so I am preparing for that probably late this summer...
15 pounds can be alot if you think about it, I basically lost the weight of 1.5 of my cats, the weight of my microwave (it's about 15 lbs), 15 pounds of fat gone from your body starts to show it's positive results! My jeans are now fitting looser, my face is thinner, I have more energy, and my body is now starting to sing and rejoice in my healthy choices. The places where I start to show weight lost first is my face, thighs, and husband looked at my tush and my saggy jeans and said, "honey I think your butt has gotten smaller seriously!" I was so happy to hear that! 15 pounds and I am already feeling better about myself, just 65 pounds to go to reach my first goal. I am still between 1,200-1,600 calories daily, but I am exercising harder, and that 8 lbs. weight is a great aid in my weight loss! Will update with you all again in a few days!!! gotta go eat a healthy lunch!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 12

Well, here it is almost 2 weeks in. I must say I still crave a few things, but the headaches are subsiding now and I don't feel as achy. Weighed myself on Friday the 19th when I got home from Kansas, and I weigh 255 lbs. even. Well that's not so bad, I lost another 1.6 lbs during the 4 days I was out of town, I knew I was following my diet well when visiting my folks., and I went for walks around my parent's property everyday I was there.
So my hubby and I both notice a lack in our appetite, me especially. I tried some mountain dew that I had sitting on my cabinet for over 2 weeks, and it just didn't taste the same...could it be true??? did I finally kick the stuff to the curb? I just poured the rest out and that was that! diet pop tastes way better for me now! haven't had a huge amount of sugar in over 2 weeks, and last night at the grocery store, didn't buy a thing in that department...although I must say brownies sounded pretty good, but my hubby helped me by leading me away from it...and i helped him by leading him away from pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting! it's good to have not only my life partner but a diet lifestyle change partner to be beside me in all this, we help each other and console each other in this! Thank God I married my man! My sweet Kansas farmboy raise on true grit! So here it is...5:00 am and I for once don't feel all that hungry right now (I'm still in my "no-no 12 hour zone" from 7pm-7am) so maybe in at least a couple of hours I will savour some plain organic yogurt with yummy granola and a tall glass of cranberry juice. Did I mention that I am now taking multivitamins and cranberry pills to aid in my lifestyle change?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 9

Ok, just like I predicted, I am now in the lion's den with this diet. My body is rebelling in ways I never thought possible. I want pop, candy, chocolates, you name it! I also feel psychologically effected now too....granted alot of people are encouraging me and reminding me what to do, and it's sort of unnerving....I am already sick of hearing about it and thinking about it, I feel like a freak right now anyway, basically I still feel totally seems like I am in this world full of bad foods and skinny people. I feel like I am the only overweight person put on this earth to endure this great battle with my body. The battle is over with my body. I just had to admit to a problem with my weight but the war has just begun. My body is rebelling by headaches, cravings, constant extreme gut wrenching hunger, anger, irritability, frustration, body aches, fatigue, god you name it...
Just yesterday, my sis and I were walking around the property, and suddenly I felt my stomach clench in this extreme pain, and I vomitted right there in the field with my little sis holding my hair. It gets better, then we proceed to walk back to the house and I nearly pass out! Thankfully it was in the grass, and my sister who herself has had previous passing out episodes helped me sit up to get oxygen back into my brain and rubbed my back for a few minutes to get the blood cirrculation back on track. This happened because I only consumed no more then 400 calories that whole day, and I needed around 1,000 more to make my daily total caloric intake...this is what happens to me when I diet. I feel that something will go wrong and I have to basically starve to make sure I maintain my weight loss...I have the absolute worst metabolism and if I eat one wrong thing I will gain back 5-10 pounds instantly...but if I eat too little calories, I pass out and have no energy for the day...I'm at a crossroads right now, I either have to chance it and just eat 1,200-1,600 calories daily and lose weight the very slow way or just start starving myself by eating around 500 calories daily and lose a ton of weight real fast...diets suck! I am cranky, embarassed, sad, and wondering if this is really going to work and if I am just simply wasting my time? I feel like a damn freak, even only a few pounds less....I will always be a freak because I will always struggle with my weight, and I will always have to watch what I eat, even if I was stick thin. Everything I do is just not enough! 6 pounds? that's not even the weight of a damn brick. Is it obvious that my frustration is showing???

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 4

Well folks, looks like I spoke too soon...I am already feeling the negative affects of dieting. Yes. My body is literally screaming on the inside at me, wanting nourishment...I am having the "sugar shakes" and the splitting caffeine headache to go right along with it. Also, my body is aching from head to toe, I feel like my body is being run over by a semi. So today, even though I lost another 2 lbs. day 4 was literally a hell I cannot even begin to describe. So I am now down to 256.4 as of this morning down exactly 6 pounds...that is the bright side of it all, I could lose a dress size by April 1st if I keep this rate going. I am drinking as much water as I possibly can so I don't feel a high urge to eat anything, which of course I now feel constantly hungry...
Is it normal to have real bad gas when starting a diet?? because for the last 2 days I have been playing the butt trumpet quite well...I know I am taking in more whole grain (fiber) which has been known to give people bad gas...oh well, just so long I don't get real gassy for my 3 hour car trip down to Kansas. Well I am keeping this post short because being in a sitting position really makes my gas feel worse, so I am closing.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 3

Today seems a bit tougher than the last 2 days...I am eating all the right foods and lifting my 8 lb weight to start toning, but there is a side of me that seems even more powerful than the will power of weight biological clock. In any woman's life, there will be a time when she knows it is time for her to have babies...there is what you call a check list or a criteria of goal one woman should accomplish before trying for her first baby...
1. Be in a serious enough relationship (preferably marriage)
2. Be financially stable, knowing you can afford a baby
3. Feel not only physically ready, but emotionally ready, mentally ready, knowing you are mature enough and aware that you will forever on for the rest of your life be responsible for another human life.
4. Be settled into a permanent location, knowing you won't move into another town and/or state for at least a few years

but the one thing on the list that is not mentioned much or if at all is #5-do not be over weight for a pregnancy...well shit, I met all of the criteria except for, you guessed it! #5...and of course it can be the toughest most soul and witt challenging thing to accomplish...and now I am livid at myself for getting this heavy...I am now asking myself, "Why, Lauren? Why did you have to do this to yourself??" And of course I personally know at least 10 different women who are pregnant with their 1st, 2nd or even 3rd child right now, and I seem to be the only one who always has something just and inch from my reach...being overweight and wanting a baby is probably the worst feeling in the world to a young woman my age, hell I know I am not getting any younger, in fact, I am 27 going on 28 and I have never felt so powerless in my entire life. I know being as overweight as I am and pregnant can be just enough to sign my death warrant, and I know it is wise to lose as much as humanly possible before I take that journey like every other woman I know in my life...That and I am so sick and tired of many people asking me "when will me and my hubby finally get pregnant?" or "chop, chop get right to it missy!!!! your getting old enough for not having any kids." that sort of crap...I know how old I am, I know how heavy I am and I know everyone is having babies around me and rubbing it in my face, well, not all of the pregnant ladies i know...some are actually quite supportive and tell me that "your time will come, and when it does you will out shine us all, because you have wanted this so badly and for a long time..." I have had many girlfriends offer me advice, which I hold close to my heart everyday...even some family have been real nice and told me what was my rush?? 27 is young and you have the whole rest of your life to be a parent, well, actually before 40...but I have only been married for 21 months, some people wait even a few years into their marriages to get pregnant, but the thing is, I waited a little longer than most to get married, or I basically got married late in the game (I was 4 months shy of my 26th when I got married) I know it was a very wise thing for my husband and I to wait, I don't regret marrying when I did...

On a lighter note, for breakfast, had another toasted bagel with a thin layer of cream cheese on it, a pudding snack and for my mid morning snack I had 5 thick pieces of raw mushrooms...I actually like the taste of them, and it has the same appetite loss compounds in them like apples do...haven't had lunch yet, but I am planning on making a deli meat sandwich on sourdough (which counts as whole grain) and mayo, no cheese...I may put some bell peppers in it, not sure and I will have a small side of cottage cheese 1% milk fat...I do have a big urge to weigh myself today, but I want to wait till at least Monday to see if the previous weekend held any good news for me...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 2

Well day 2 brings some good news to my body...that scale I had is being put to good use and I had the courage to weigh myself today hoping for even a spec of progress...I now as of today I weigh in at 260.4 lbs...the last time I was weighed was not but a week ago at the doctor's office, weighing in at 263 lbs I have lost 2.6 pounds at least in the last 2 days! that is a small start, 2.6 pounds down, 77.4 pounds to I know that my body does have the ability to lose pounds, I really needed that good news. Not only my digital scale reads weight, it also reads body fat percentage and hydration levels (which I have not figured out how to work yet) I don't think the body fat percentage reading would be entirely accurate anyway since the best way I know is by getting painfully pinched by those clamps at the doctor's office...I have absolutely no idea of what my body fat is, but I reckon it's not a good number...My highest pant size was at a size 22, but now I am sitting comfortably at a size 20, aka I can fit into old navy jeans without special ordering them...I do have pants/jeans ranging from size 12-22, so thank goodness I won't have to buy a whole new wardrobe once again once all the pounds are shed, if I do go below a size 12 however, I will be forced to spend hundreds of dollars on new clothes...
So far I haven't really felt the effects of feeling constant hunger...I have felt pretty satisfyingly full after eating every meal, I vowed to only eat 3 square meals daily, not exceeding 1500 calories, never ever eat a thing after 7:00 pm or before 7:00 am the next morning (except for drinking water) exercise daily for at least 20 minutes, and do the occasional weigh in 1-2 times weekly...I heard of people getting obsessed out of their minds by weighing in everyday, maybe multiple times daily, I will not be one of those people, I am a woman and I have to consider that monthly obstacles can get in the way of losing, like gaining temporary water weight when I menstruate monthly, I know that happens to me every month and I cannot get worked up over that.
I eat meals that would make me feel satisfyingly full, not stuffed. If I finish a meal and still feel pretty hungry, I would just simply eat 60 calories worth of sugar free pudding or better yet, 10 calories worth of sugar free jello cup. After that, then I would feel great until about 5 hours later...I predict the extreme hunger would set in about 2-3 weeks from now to where anything I eat will just not be enough, so then I will have to eat 6 small meals every 3 hours to help me with that...right now as far as caffeine, I will have to gradually wing myself from regular pop to diet rite to I am drinking no more then 8 fluid ounces daily of the stuff instead of a whole 2 liter daily...
Bought an 8 pound mini weight to help myself with indoor exercises when it rains, and march to June is a wet rainy season in Lincoln...I am currently on the hunt for some size 9 roller skates to aid in my outdoor exercise in a while I will do some lifting with my new barbell friend and anxiously await for my husband to return home from work so that he could make me another rick bayless creation! yay! off to a good start!