Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 2

Well day 2 brings some good news to my body...that scale I had is being put to good use and I had the courage to weigh myself today hoping for even a spec of progress...I now as of today I weigh in at 260.4 lbs...the last time I was weighed was not but a week ago at the doctor's office, weighing in at 263 lbs I have lost 2.6 pounds at least in the last 2 days! that is a small start, 2.6 pounds down, 77.4 pounds to I know that my body does have the ability to lose pounds, I really needed that good news. Not only my digital scale reads weight, it also reads body fat percentage and hydration levels (which I have not figured out how to work yet) I don't think the body fat percentage reading would be entirely accurate anyway since the best way I know is by getting painfully pinched by those clamps at the doctor's office...I have absolutely no idea of what my body fat is, but I reckon it's not a good number...My highest pant size was at a size 22, but now I am sitting comfortably at a size 20, aka I can fit into old navy jeans without special ordering them...I do have pants/jeans ranging from size 12-22, so thank goodness I won't have to buy a whole new wardrobe once again once all the pounds are shed, if I do go below a size 12 however, I will be forced to spend hundreds of dollars on new clothes...
So far I haven't really felt the effects of feeling constant hunger...I have felt pretty satisfyingly full after eating every meal, I vowed to only eat 3 square meals daily, not exceeding 1500 calories, never ever eat a thing after 7:00 pm or before 7:00 am the next morning (except for drinking water) exercise daily for at least 20 minutes, and do the occasional weigh in 1-2 times weekly...I heard of people getting obsessed out of their minds by weighing in everyday, maybe multiple times daily, I will not be one of those people, I am a woman and I have to consider that monthly obstacles can get in the way of losing, like gaining temporary water weight when I menstruate monthly, I know that happens to me every month and I cannot get worked up over that.
I eat meals that would make me feel satisfyingly full, not stuffed. If I finish a meal and still feel pretty hungry, I would just simply eat 60 calories worth of sugar free pudding or better yet, 10 calories worth of sugar free jello cup. After that, then I would feel great until about 5 hours later...I predict the extreme hunger would set in about 2-3 weeks from now to where anything I eat will just not be enough, so then I will have to eat 6 small meals every 3 hours to help me with that...right now as far as caffeine, I will have to gradually wing myself from regular pop to diet rite to I am drinking no more then 8 fluid ounces daily of the stuff instead of a whole 2 liter daily...
Bought an 8 pound mini weight to help myself with indoor exercises when it rains, and march to June is a wet rainy season in Lincoln...I am currently on the hunt for some size 9 roller skates to aid in my outdoor exercise in a while I will do some lifting with my new barbell friend and anxiously await for my husband to return home from work so that he could make me another rick bayless creation! yay! off to a good start!

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